Motion Specific Release (MSR)
Motion Specific Release is a powerful approach that re-establishes the neuromuscular stability of the body though the use of hands-on procedures that increate a patients optimal function and performance.
MSR eliminates pain, restores function, and places control back into the hands of your patients. The MSR approach provides you with cutting-edge procedures that you can immediately integrate into your clinical practice.
The MSR Approach is all about achieving optimum results by helping you tap into your clinical creativity. Clinical Creativity is a concept that has taken many practitioners to a whole new level of clinical excellence and amazing results.
M is Motion. A combination of patient and practitioner motion. Motion is used to identify both the areas of restriction and the path to releasing those restriction. This concept has been used in Tai Chi (pushing hands) for hundreds of years and we use it to train practitioners to become more aware of their patients’ physical restrictions.
S is Specific restrictions that develop with each injury. These are unique to each patient. We are taught that patients with similar diagnosis will have similar restrictions. However, this is rarely true, especially with chronic conditions that involve multiple structures that range across a larger kinetic chain. Being specific to the individual is often the key to getting a full resolution of a condition.
R is Release. Our primary objective is to release the restrictions that inhibit our patients from achieving being fully functional.

What is Motion Specific Release?
Using Motion Specific Release can be life-changing for your patients with its innovative approach to treating a musculoskeletal issue.
Motion Specific Release is a hands-on, evidence-based technique that achieves remarkable results when treating a wide range of musculoskeletal condition within a short period of time.
MSR’s open platform allows you to integrate your techniques and methods into its powerful vocabulary of procedures. MRS’s powerful framework lets you grow your already existing practices by achieving better, more sustainable results.
MSR is based on both clinical experience and scientific research in the fields of:
Functional Anatomy
Fascial Research
Kinetic Chain Relationships
Multi-disciplinary Perspectives
Functional Exercise Programs
Scientific Methodology
How Was Motion Specific Release Developed
Motion Specific Release was developed by internationally best-selling author, instructor, and Clinical Director of Kinetic Health, Dr. Brian Abelson DC. Dr. Abelson used both his extensive clinical experience and deep academic knowledge to develop this innovative and effective technique.
Dr. Abelson is a prolific author on the subject of soft-tissue injuries, exercise, and a wide array of related health and wellness subjects. He has authored seven books and over 30 articles during his career. He is currently working on his next project, a book specifically about the benefits of Motion Specific Release. In addition to writing, Dr. Abelson has served as an instructor for over 20 years, teaching musculoskeletal techniques, exercise programs, and various health-related seminars.

Certification and Courses
MSR Whole-Body Courses provide 16 hours of continuing education credits.
Each course offers in-person, hands-on training with
Dr. Abelson during an intensive, information-packed, two-day class.
MSR certification must be renewed yearly to maintain current certification:
Annual MSR status can be maintained through taking online courses for up to two years, or by attending additional in-class seminars.
All practitioners are required to renew their certification, in-person, once every three years.
MSR Online Courses receive six hours of continuing education credit. An online written test is required in conjunction with completion of the streaming video component of the course.
This course can be used for recertification purposes.
Full MSR certification cannot be obtained through online courses.
Receive our Comprehensive MSR Solution
When you register for our MSR Whole-Body Course you will gain access to:
Access to over 46 Anatomical and Functional Testing videos.
Our copy-righted, extensive 'Practitioner's Guide to Motion Specific Guide Manual' to support your learning.
Access to specific, carefully selected exercises video’s that complement and support each MSR protocol, which you can then prescribe to your patients (with new exercises being added on a regular basis).
We list all practitioners in our 'practitioner database' to help you receive referrals ,and grow your clinic practice (certification must be maintained to be included).
Access to our growing MSR Community of Practitioners.

Why Take Our Courses?
MSR is Unique
MSR is unique in that it merges the best underlying principles of chiropractic, osteopathic, soft-tissue, fascial research, and biomechanics. MSR takes your treatment methodologies to new heights by providing innovative solutions which no other single perspective can achieve.
Motion Specific Release gives you the resources you need to achieve excellent clinical results. Along with the MSR Whole-Body Course, you will also receive a comprehensive manual and hyperlink access to hundreds of videos that we have produced, all with the objective of making you into a more effective and powerful practitioner.
Each MSR Protocol in our manual takes you through the critical aspects of anatomy, functional testing, MSR techniques as well as providing specific exercise recommendations to support your patients' treatments.
Our Workshops
One unique aspect of MSR programs are how we run our hands-on workshops. If you have reviewed our MSR Whole-Body Course Outline, you will have noticed that we provide basic MSR procedures for the entire body.
But...unlike most courses that ‘compartmentalize’ the body into chunks, we look at the body as an integrated, tightly woven system. MSR addresses kinetic chain relationships that cannot be properly addressed through a segmental or compartmentalized approach.
During each class, once you have learned some basic MSR procedures, we will have you investigating what we call Fascial Expansions. Fascial Expansions include the anatomical structures that are inter-connected by either direct fascial connections, fascial planes, or through related osseous structures which affect the biomechanics of the body.
You will use your Clinical Creativity to determine which fascial expansions are important for your patient. Clinical Creativity will help you determine which MSR procedure (or combination of procedures) can achieve the best result for each individual. MSR allows you to bring out one of the most unique and powerful aspects of our technique ... Your Clinical Creativity.

MSR Values your Opinions and Your Clinical Expertise
Motion Specific Release Classes are dynamic, interactive and result-driven classes. They teach you cutting-edge techniques while working as an cooperative medium for sharing knowledge.
It is our goal to make each class better than the last. We do this through your feedback and by always giving you a change to express your Clinical Creativity.
MSR courses are designed to evolve and grow every time they are taught. Every instructor at Motion Specific Release is a life-time learner. We hope you join us on this learning adventure.