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Dr. Brian Abelson

The MSR Runner's Maintenance Guide - Part 3: The Hips

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

In Part 3 of the MSR Runner's Maintenance Guide, we now spotlight the hips, which are key to our running mechanics. They act as a pivotal junction, translating the upper body's energy into the lower body's propulsive power, regulating our stride, and contributing to balance and stability.

However, their significance extends beyond propulsion. They anchor us during each running phase, influence the alignment of knees and ankles, and help control stride length.

Article Index

Anatomical Structures

Manual Therapy

Conclusion & References


Glutes: Powerhouses of Propulsion

The gluteal muscles, comprising the Gluteus Maximus, Medius, and Minimus, constitute the powerhouse of the running stride. Like the engine of a high-performance vehicle, they ensure stability and generate substantial force during the stance phase of the gait cycle, when the foot is grounded.

However, dysfunction or weakness in these muscles can cause notable disruptions. It may manifest as a Trendelenburg gait, an irregular walking pattern where the hip of the lifted foot droops, resulting in an unstable and uneven gait. It could also lead to diminished propulsion, akin to an engine misfiring, interrupting the rhythmic harmony of the run.

Palpatory Clues for Gluteal Muscles:

  • Asymmetrical Muscle Tone: A noticeable difference in muscle tone between the right and left gluteal muscles could indicate imbalance or dysfunction.

  • Pain upon Palpation: Discomfort or localized pain when palpating the gluteal region may suggest issues such as trigger points or myofascial adhesions.

  • Restricted Fascial Glide: The lack of fluid movement in the fascial layers over the gluteal muscles may point to fascial restrictions or adhesions.

  • Myofascial Taut Bands: Palpable, cord-like structures running along the muscle fibers can indicate chronic tension or muscle imbalance.

  • Muscle Atrophy or Hypertrophy: A significant difference in muscle mass from one side to the other could be indicative of muscle disuse or overuse.

Visual Clues for Gluteal Muscles:

  • Altered Hip Mechanics: The presence of Trendelenburg gait or noticeable hip drop during walking or running may indicate gluteus medius weakness.

  • Postural Aberrations: Excessive lumbar lordosis, or an exaggerated curve in the lower back, could be a sign of gluteal muscle imbalance affecting pelvic alignment.

  • Irregular Stride Pattern: A shortened stride length on one side, or asymmetrical arm swing could indicate compromised gluteal function.

  • Excessive Lateral Pelvic Tilt: An uneven pelvis during the stance phase of running may indicate gluteal dysfunction.

  • Reduced Propulsion: Inadequate push-off during running, as if the "engine is misfiring," may suggest gluteus maximus weakness or dysfunction.


Hip Flexors: Leaders of Locomotion

The hip flexors, the Iliopsoas and Rectus Femoris, are akin to the steering wheel in the body's locomotive system. They command the lifting and forward movement of the leg during the swing phase when the foot is off the ground, setting the run's tempo and power.

But, dysfunctions in these muscles could alter the stride. It might result in a shortened stride length, like a vehicle veering off course. Additionally, it could lead to less forceful toe-off, hindering the propulsion and rhythm integral to the running cycle.

In the intricate biomechanical running system, the hips are instrumental, dictating tempo and rhythm. Recognizing their role, maintaining their optimal function, and addressing any dysfunction promptly is essential for a fluid, efficient, and injury-free running performance.

Palpatory Clues for Hip Flexors:

  • Pain or Discomfort: Sensitivity or acute pain when applying pressure over the iliopsoas or rectus femoris could signal muscle tension, inflammation, or strain.

  • Muscle Knots: Palpable myofascial adhesions or "knots" in the hip flexors may indicate areas of localized tension, which could affect gait mechanics.

  • Reduced Muscle Pliability: Difficulty in manually stretching or flexing the muscle might signify chronic shortening or excessive tone.

  • Tenderness near Attachment Points: Specific tenderness near the muscle origins or insertions, like the anterior inferior iliac spine for the rectus femoris, could be indicative of strain or microtears.

  • Inconsistency in Bilateral Muscle Tone: A disparity in the muscle tone or texture between the left and right hip flexors may suggest an imbalance or compensatory behavior.

Visual Clues for Hip Flexors:

  • Altered Stride Length: A noticeably shortened or uneven stride could be a sign of hip flexor dysfunction affecting the swing phase of running.

  • Forward Pelvic Tilt: Excessive anterior tilting of the pelvis may indicate a shortening or tightness of the hip flexors, affecting overall posture.

  • Reduced Force in Toe-Off: A less forceful toe-off during running might be a visual clue of compromised hip flexor function.

  • Difficulty in Hip Extension: Challenges in achieving full hip extension during running or walking could point to tight or dysfunctional hip flexors.

  • Asymmetric Hip Elevation: During running, if one hip appears elevated or dropped compared to the other, it may signal an imbalance in the hip flexor muscles.


Motion Specific Release (MSR)

Through manual therapy the runner can significantly improve their performance and reduce injury risks by addressing myofascial and joint restrictions. Fascia, the connective tissue that supports muscles and organs, can develop restrictions due to repetitive motion, poor posture, muscle imbalances, or previous injuries that can inhibit movement and reduce muscle function. MSR addresses these restrictions, increasing the range of motion and muscle coordination. This optimization of physical function enables runners to train more efficiently, ensures proper load distribution across muscles and joints, and minimizes the strain on individual tissues, safeguarding against overuse injuries while improving overall performance.

Hip MSR Demonstration Video

In this video Dr. Abelson Demonstrates how to effectively address restriction or imbalances in two key hip muscles. These procedures would be combined with a functional exercise program.



In this third instalment of the MSR Runner's Maintenance Guide, we've explored the intricate roles of the gluteal muscles and hip flexors in running mechanics. These muscles serve as the engine and steering wheel, respectively, of your locomotive system. Dysfunction in either can disrupt your gait and performance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gluteal Muscles: Govern stability and thrust, with dysfunction leading to gait imbalances and compromised propulsion.

  • Hip Flexors: Control tempo and forward movement, and their dysfunction can alter stride lengths and toe-offs.

  • Motion Specific Release (MSR): A targeted manual therapy that can optimize muscle function and joint mobility, reducing injury risks and enhancing performance.

Understanding and acting on these key biomechanical aspects through methods like MSR can significantly improve running efficiency and injury prevention.



Dr. Abelson's approach in musculoskeletal health care reflects a deep commitment to evidence-based practices and continuous learning. In his work at Kinetic Health in Calgary, Alberta, he focuses on integrating the latest research with a compassionate understanding of each patient's unique needs. As the developer of the Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems, he views his role as both a practitioner and an educator, dedicated to sharing knowledge and techniques that can benefit the wider healthcare community. His ongoing efforts in teaching and practice aim to contribute positively to the field of musculoskeletal health, with a constant emphasis on patient-centered care and the collective advancement of treatment methods.


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