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Designed to Run - The Human Gait Cycle is Amazing

Updated: Feb 24

Human beings are amazing running machines! As human beings, we are designed to run and even take flight for short periods of time! The synergistic actions of a runner's body provide stability, balance, shock absorption, and propulsion. Much of our running ability depends on our body's capacity to store and release elastic energy.

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Running is a synergistic dance between multiple structures involving the body's entire kinetic web, with each structure playing a critical role.

Surprisingly, running and walking are very different from each other. One of the main differences is that a good runner is airborne most of the time. When we observe an elite runner, the actual contact/support phase with the ground makes up only 30-40% of the runner's gait cycle. Most runners (efficient runners) are airborne 60-70% of the time (1,2). Running is as close to flying as we are going to get.

This unique pattern has developed for an excellent reason - energy conservation and efficiency. The longer a runner is in contact with the ground, the more energy the runner wastes.

Think of running from an evolutionary perspective. The more energy expended, the less likely our ancestors would escape from predators or catch animals they hunted (3).

Made to Run

At the last Fascial Congress in Berlin (November 2018), I had the pleasure of sitting in on a lecture with Dr. Daniel E. Lieberman (Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University).

(Photo to the right: Dr. Abelson at the Fifth International Fascia Congress in Berlin.)

Dr. Lieberman explained how we might not be the fastest animal on the planet. Still, despite this, our incredible bipedal locomotion system is beautifully designed to run long distances to allow us to run down our prey.

Our human evolutionary path has given us a fantastic locomotor system designed to help us hunt and travel across long distances. But the story does not stop there! Let's jump forward from our past, half a million years, to our modern lifestyle and see how things have changed.

Unfortunately, we now live in a very sedentary society that is extremely good at reducing the effectiveness of our body's energy storage and elastic recoil system. We have moved from 'running down' our prey to 'driving' to supermarkets that is only two blocks away. Yet at the core of our physiology, we continue to possess a fantastic locomotive system that we can tap into.


The Gait Cycle

Our Gait Cycle is the foundation of our running efficiency and elastic recoil capabilities. Running efficiency is all about energy conservation - the less energy we waste, the greater the performance, and the lower the potential for injuries. Most runners are surprised to find out that a lot of lost energy (or energy leaks) is through the body's compensating motions from old injuries and not just due to poor technique. To get a better idea of what I am talking about, let's first dive into the gait of a runner!

A complete gait cycle starts out when one foot strikes the ground, and ends when the same foot strikes the ground again. The gait cycle of a runner can be divided into two main phases, the Stance Phase and the Swing Phase. As we make our way through the gait cycle, take a few minutes to consider how our body is designed to dissipate force while at the same time storing energy for release through the process of elastic recoil.

Tip: Practitioners need to understand this critical information to effectively analyze their patient's gait when working to treat and prevent injuries while improving athletic performance!


The Stance Phase Of Gait

The Stance Phase is divided into three distinct sub-phases:

  1. Initial Contact

  2. Mid Stance

  3. Take off - Triple Extension

Initial Contact

The initial stage of the gait cycle during a run begins with foot strike, where the foot makes first contact with the ground. Biomechanically, this phase is characterized by a simultaneous knee flexion, tibial internal rotation, and pronation of the ankle via the subtalar joint. This triad effectively disperses the impact of the foot strike.

For optimal efficiency, the foot should land just ahead of the runner's center of gravity—situated in the lower abdomen between the hips—to minimize excessive deceleration forces. Many runners, however, overstride, landing their foot too far forward, leading to unnecessary braking that impedes momentum and wastes energy, a critical consideration in endurance running.


During the mid-stance phase of running, commonly known as the absorption phase, the knee and ankle are deeply flexed to absorb forces up to three times the runner's body weight and to store elastic energy efficiently in the muscles, tendons, and connective tissues.

Braking at this phase is not detrimental; rather, it provides a stable platform for the subsequent release of stored energy. Muscular strength and flexibility, particularly in the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, are vital for creating this stable base and ensuring maximal energy transfer. Core stability, supported by robust hip, lower back, and abdominal muscles, is equally crucial to prevent energy loss.

As the phase progresses, the foot transitions from pronation to supination, transforming it into a stiff lever for effective push-off, shifting the force from the shin to the calf muscles. It's important that pronation ceases at this point to maintain stability and prevent potential injuries.

Take off - Triple Extension

The transition from the mid-stance to the take-off phase in running is rapid, marking the commencement of the propulsion stage. This phase is characterized by the foot stiffening, the knee and hip extending, and the whole lower limb externally rotating to push the runner forward. This movement is predominantly powered by the elastic energy stored from previous phases.

To ensure this force propels the runner horizontally rather than vertically, the pelvis tilts forward during take-off. A balanced strength ratio between the hamstrings and quadriceps is crucial to maintain this forward momentum. Additionally, the quality of musculoskeletal tissues, their flexibility and ability to store and release energy, significantly impacts the efficiency of this propulsion. Therapies and exercises that enhance the elasticity and function of these tissues are vital for optimizing running performance.


The Swing Phase Of Gait

The Swing Phase also has three distinct sub-phases:

  1. Initial Swing.

  2. Mid Swing.

  3. Terminal Swing.

When examining the mechanics of gait, it's important to understand the specific functions of each phase. The Swing Phase, which begins at toe-off and ends on heel-strike, comprises approximately 40% of the total gait cycle.

During the Swing Phase, the primary function is to provide ground clearance for the foot by mid-swing. Additionally, this phase serves to position the legs in a way that enables the supporting muscles to dissipate impact forces upon contacting the ground. This process is crucial in minimizing the risk of injury and maximizing the efficiency of the gait cycle.

Initial Swing: Swing Phase

Initial Swing begins when the foot leaves the ground upon toe off (when you start to fly). At any time, one foot is off the ground and in a state of recovery. If fact, there is one point in the gait cycle where both feet are off the ground. This is called the “Double Float Phase” of gait. Running velocity greatly affects the length of this phase (the faster you go, the longer you fly).

Mid Swing: Swing Phase

The Mid Swing (Forward Swing phase) increases the runner’s forward velocity. The runner achieves this through the actions of forward pelvis rotation combined with hip and knee flexion. Any physical restrictions in the muscles involved in pelvic motion or hip or knee flexion will drastically reduce the fluidity of this motion.

Terminal Swing: Swing Phase

The terminal Swing stage begins when the runner’s hip reaches a position of maximum flexion. Knee flexion helps to promote movement of the lower extremity. The forward motion of the foot coming down (before foot strike) is controlled by the hamstring muscles. This phase ends when the runner's foot makes contact with the ground beginning a new cycle.



In conclusion, running is a sophisticated interplay of anatomical and physiological mechanisms, finely tuned for efficiency and endurance. Our evolutionary heritage has endowed us with a biomechanical marvel: a locomotor system primed for long-distance pursuit. Yet, modern sedentary habits have dulled this innate capacity, leading to energy leaks and reduced recoil efficiency.

By dissecting the gait cycle into its stance and swing phases, we uncover the biomechanical secrets to maximizing energy conservation and performance. A comprehensive understanding of these principles is indispensable for healthcare professionals aiming to enhance athletic performance and prevent injuries, tapping into our profound evolutionary potential for movement.



Dr. Abelson's approach in musculoskeletal health care reflects a deep commitment to evidence-based practices and continuous learning. In his work at Kinetic Health in Calgary, Alberta, he focuses on integrating the latest research with a compassionate understanding of each patient's unique needs. As the developer of the Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems, he views his role as both a practitioner and an educator, dedicated to sharing knowledge and techniques that can benefit the wider healthcare community. His ongoing efforts in teaching and practice aim to contribute positively to the field of musculoskeletal health, with a constant emphasis on patient-centered care and the collective advancement of treatment methods.


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