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Stride Dynamics: Unveiling Hockey Biomechanics - MSR Part 4: Terminal Stride

Updated: Mar 10

Hockey Player in Terminal Stride Position

At the end of their stride, skaters should achieve the "triple extension" stance, fully extending the hip, knee, and ankle joints. This extension increases stride length and propulsion. Maximum force exertion through the legs is crucial for achieving the greatest extension possible.

The importance of this triple extension lies in its role in propelling the skater forward. It involves the gluteal muscles through hip extension, the quadriceps through knee extension, and the calf muscles through ankle extension. This coordination of muscle groups results in a stronger push-off, enhancing speed and agility on the ice. Skaters with faster speeds exhibit more pronounced extensions and a forceful toe push-off, contributing to an efficient and powerful skating technique.

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Anatomy & Biomechanics

Hip Extensor Image

Hip Extensors

In the terminal stride phase of a hockey player's movement, the hip extensors, predominantly the gluteus maximus, are biomechanically crucial for hip joint extension. This extension is essential for the kinetic chain involved in propelling the body forward with maximal power and biomechanical efficiency.

During this phase, the hip extensors engage in a posterior kinetic chain action, facilitating the backward propulsion of the leg. This action is instrumental in optimizing the stride's length and force generation capabilities. A deficiency in the strength or functional integrity of these muscles, due to factors such as injury, fatigue, or muscular imbalances, can impede the player's ability to achieve complete hip extension. Such a biomechanical limitation can adversely affect stride mechanics, leading to a reduction in stride length and a diminished capacity to generate the requisite force for effective forward propulsion.

Plantar Flexor Image

Ankle Plantar Flexors

The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, key components of the ankle plantar flexors, play a pivotal biomechanical role in the final push-off phase of a stride. These muscles execute plantar flexion at the ankle joint, characterized by downward toe pointing and exerting force against the ice.

They are critical for momentum and speed generation, leveraging the ice as a reactive force platform for forward propulsion. A compromise in the ankle plantar flexors, due to factors such as muscular weakness or injury, can impede the effectiveness of this final push-off, leading to a decrease in both stride length and velocity.

Both the hip extensors and ankle plantar flexors are integral to the terminal phase of a hockey player's stride. The hip extensors enhance stride power and length through hip joint extension, while the ankle plantar flexors facilitate the crucial final push-off for speed generation. Optimal functioning and strength of these muscle groups are paramount for peak performance in skating biomechanics.


Motion Specific Release (MSR)

MSR Demonstration Video Image

Hockey Biomechanics Part 4: Terminal Stride

Dr. Abelson demonstrates MSR procedures used to release restrictions, helping to improve AROM, address muscle imbalances and improve overall performance.


Conclusion - MSR Part 4: Terminal Stride

In conclusion, the biomechanical analysis of a hockey player's stride underscores the essential roles of both hip extensors and ankle plantar flexors. The "triple extension" stance, involving full extension of the hip, knee, and ankle joints, is paramount in enhancing stride length and propulsion. This technique, which involves a coordinated effort of the gluteal, quadriceps, and calf muscles, results in a powerful push-off that significantly boosts speed and agility on the ice. It is evident that skaters achieving higher speeds are those who master this extension and exert maximum force in their stride.

Furthermore, the hip extensors, especially the gluteus maximus, play a critical role in hip joint extension, contributing to the kinetic chain required for effective forward propulsion. Simultaneously, the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the ankle plantar flexors are vital for the final push-off phase. This complex interplay of muscle groups and joint mechanics not only accentuates the importance of muscular strength and integrity for optimal skating performance but also highlights the potential impact of muscular weaknesses or injuries.


Dr. Brian Ableson - The Author

Dr. Brian Abelson

Dr. Abelson's approach in musculoskeletal health care reflects a deep commitment to evidence-based practices and continuous learning. In his work at Kinetic Health in Calgary, Alberta, he focuses on integrating the latest research with a compassionate understanding of each patient's unique needs. As the developer of the Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems, he views his role as both a practitioner and an educator, dedicated to sharing knowledge and techniques that can benefit the wider healthcare community. His ongoing efforts in teaching and practice aim to contribute positively to the field of musculoskeletal health, with a constant emphasis on patient-centered care and the collective advancement of treatment methods.


Hockey Game In Play

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