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Dr. Brian Abelson

Golf Exercises: The Critical Roles of Mobility and Strength

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Woman Swinging a Golf Club

Golf is not just a sport, but a fusion of art and science. Every swing combines precision, strength, and the right level of mobility. While it might appear leisurely, golf is indeed physically challenging, demanding a body that’s both well-conditioned and agile. A golfer's swing, pivotal for both power and accuracy, fundamentally relies on two key physical traits: mobility and strength.

We’ve put together two YouTube videos that delve into these essential elements. The first, "Master Your Mobility: Five Golf Exercises for Peak Performance," showcases mobility exercises tailored to enhance your swing, ensuring better control and heightened power. The second, "Develop Your Strength: Six Golf Exercises for Peak Performance," offers strength-focused routines designed to amplify the power of your swing. Together, these videos offer a comprehensive approach to honing the physical skills crucial for golfing excellence.

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Golf Mobility Exercises

In golf, mobility is all about a golfer's capacity to move their body through the range of motion required for an efficient swing. It's crucial for creating the right swing arc, generating power, and keeping control during each swing. Now, let's explore the exercises in our first YouTube video designed to improve this essential aspect of mobility.

  1. Dynamic Hip Flexor Stretch: Start in a half-kneeling position with one knee on the ground to perform this stretch. Keeping your body upright, press your hips forward to create a stretch in the front of your hip on the kneeling side. The primary muscles involved here include the iliopsoas and rectus femoris. By increasing hip flexor mobility, this stretch improves the range of hip rotation, facilitating a broader swing arc and contributing to swing power.

  2. Glute Bridges: Lay on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Push your heels into the ground and lift your hips by squeezing your glutes until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. The gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and core are the primary muscles engaged. Enhanced glute strength from this exercise contributes to power generation during the downswing and impact phases.

  3. Combination of Shoulder and Core Exercises: Use a golf club or broomstick for this set. Holding the stick overhead, perform lateral flexions and rotations, ensuring your movements are controlled. These exercises target the obliques, latissimus dorsi, and deltoids. Improved shoulder and core mobility can lead to a more extensive and controlled swing arc, enhancing both swing power and accuracy.

  4. Lateral Lunge: Start standing tall. Step out to the side, bending the stepping leg while keeping the other straight. Push off the bent leg to return to standing. This exercise primarily targets the adductor muscles, glutes, and quadriceps. Improved lateral hip mobility from this exercise allows for a broader base and better weight distribution during the swing, contributing to power and control.

  5. Single-Leg Deadlift: With a golf club, broomstick or dumbbell, stand on one leg while lifting the other behind you as you lean forward, keeping your back straight. This exercise targets the hamstrings, glutes, and core for balance. Enhanced hamstring and hip mobility can contribute to a more stable and controlled swing, and can help increase the power of the downswing.

Incorporating these exercises into your routine can enhance your mobility, which in turn can significantly improve your swing, control, and power, leading to overall better golf performance.

Mobility Demonstration Video
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Mobility Demonstration Video

Master Your Mobility: Five Golf Exercises for Peak Performance - Optimal mobility is a game-changer in golf, influencing your swing, control, and power. Our video details six exercises to boost this mobility. It begins with dynamic hip flexor stretch (00:15), then glute bridges (01:45), followed by a combination of shoulder and core exercises (02:50). Later, it covers the lateral lunge (05:45) and ends with a single-leg deadlift (07:02). These routines can enhance your swing and overall golfing experience when done regularly.


Golf Strengthening Exercises

Strength in golf is about the muscles' capacity to generate force. It's a key factor in the power of your swing, the reach of your drive, and your overall steadiness and control on the course. Now, let's delve into the exercises from our second YouTube video that are aimed at building strength, and examine their biomechanical impact on golfers.

  1. Russian Twist: Sit on the floor, leaning back slightly with your feet off the ground. Hold a weight or medicine ball and rotate your torso to touch it to the ground beside your hip, then twist to the other side. This exercise targets the obliques, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis. By strengthening the core, it improves rotational control, leading to a more powerful and precise swing.

  2. Bent Over Row: Start with a bent-over stance, holding dumbbells or a barbell, and pull the weight towards your lower ribcage. This targets the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and biceps. By improving upper body strength, this exercise enhances the control and power of the backswing and follow-through.

  3. Squat Press: Holding dumbbells at shoulder height, perform a squat, then as you rise, press the weights overhead. This exercise engages the glutes, quadriceps, deltoids, and triceps. The squat portion builds lower body power for driving force, while the press enhances shoulder and arm strength for control and stability.

  4. Lateral Raise: Holding dumbbells at your sides, raise your arms out to shoulder height, then lower. This exercise focuses on the deltoids, particularly the middle portion. Improved shoulder strength allows for a wider swing arc, translating to greater power and control.

  5. Straight Leg Raise: Lie on your back and lift one straight leg at a time, engaging the hip flexors and lower abdominals. Enhancing strength in these areas aids in stabilizing the hip region during the swing, contributing to consistent and powerful shots.

  6. Glute Raise: Start on your hands and knees, then extend one leg straight back, engaging the glutes. This exercise targets the gluteus maximus and hamstrings, crucial muscles for power during the downswing. Strengthening these muscles helps in driving the ball farther and maintaining balance throughout the swing.

These exercises for building strength focus on the essential muscle groups crucial for golfing prowess. By strengthening these particular areas, golfers can boost their swing speed, extend their driving range, and enhance control and precision. Similar to mobility, strength is a core aspect of golf biomechanics and can be progressively improved with dedicated exercises. It’s a pivotal element in reaching top-level performance on the golf course.

Strengthening Demonstration Video
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Strengthening Demonstration Video

Six Golf Exercises for Peak Performance," breaks down six specific exercises designed to amplify your strength, ultimately enhancing your swing and driving power.

Starting with the Russian Twist (00:25), we work the core and improve your rotation for better control and accuracy. The Bent Over Row (01:40) follows, enhancing upper body strength for a robust swing. We then dive into the Squat Press (02:35), boosting lower body power and stability. The Lateral Raise (03:56) comes next, focusing on shoulder strength for an improved swing arc. The Straight Leg Raise (05:20) and Glute Raise (06:24) conclude the routine, further stabilizing the lower body and boosting power. This series, when done regularly, can enhance your golf game significantly.


Woman Weight Training

Golf Exercises Conclusion

Golf is more than a game; it's a complex interplay of mobility and strength. The perfect swing requires a balance of these two vital elements, a synergy that enhances both power and precision.

Our exploration of golf biomechanics offers practical exercises that can truly elevate your game. By focusing on targeted mobility and strength routines, golfers at any level can find improvement, more control, and greater enjoyment on the course.

Keep practicing, keep learning, and remember that every swing is an opportunity to grow. With dedication to these principles, the path to mastery in golf is not just attainable; it's waiting for you. Here's to the journey ahead!

Article Index



  1. Fraser, A. (2018). "The effects of strength and conditioning on golf performance: a systematic review." Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(4), 399-408.

  2. Hellström, J. (2009). "Competitive elite golf: a review of the relationships between playing results, technique and physique." Sports Medicine, 39(9), 723-741.

  3. Evans, K., & Tuttle, N. (2015). "Improving performance in golf: current research and implications from a clinical perspective." Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 19(6), 471-480.

  4. Lindsay, D. M., & Vandervoort, A. A. (2014). "Golf-related low back pain: a review of causative factors and prevention strategies." Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 5(4), e24289.

  5. Cheetham, P. J., Martin, P. E., Mottram, R. E., & St Laurent, B. F. (2001). "The importance of stretching the “X-factor” in the downswing of golf: The “X-factor stretch.”" Optimization of Human Performance for All Ages, 103-112.

  6. Bulbulian, R., Ball, K. A., & Seaman, D. R. (2001). "The short golf backswing: effects on performance and spinal health implications." Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 24(9), 569-575.

  7. McHardy, A., & Pollard, H. (2005). "Muscle activity during the golf swing." British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(11), 799-804.

  8. Meister, D. W., et al. (2011). "Rotational biomechanics of the elite golf swing: Benchmarks for amateurs." Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 27(3), 242-251.

  9. Finn, C. (2006). "The effectiveness of golf-specific exercises in improving golf swing performance characteristics: A systematic review." International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 1(4), 403-409.

  10. Gosheger, G., et al. (2003). "Injuries and overuse syndromes in golf." The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 31(3), 438-443.

  11. Theriault, G., & Lachance, P. (1998). "Golf injuries. An overview." Sports Medicine, 26(1), 43-57.

  12. Hosea, T. M., & Gatt, C. J. (1996). "Back pain in golf." Clinical Sports Medicine, 15(1), 37-53.

  13. Adlington, G. S. (1996). "Proper swing technique and biomechanics of golf." Clinical Sports Medicine, 15(1), 9-26.

  14. Smith, M. F. (2010). "Research on the mental aspects of golf: Recent findings and future directions." Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 1(2), 95-106.



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Photo of Dr. Brian Abelson

With over 30 years of clinical practice and experience in treating over 25,000 patients with a success rate of over 85%, Dr. Abelson created the powerful and effective Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems.

As an internationally best-selling author, he aims to educate and share techniques to benefit the broader healthcare community.

A perpetual student himself, Dr. Abelson continually integrates leading-edge techniques into the MSR programs, with a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary care. His work constantly emphasizes patient-centred care and advancing treatment methods. His practice, Kinetic Health, is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


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