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Dr. Brian Abelson DC

Meniscus Injuries Part 2 - Diagnosis & Acute Stage

Navigating a suspected meniscus injury can be daunting, but a thorough, well-rounded approach can make all the difference. In this second part of our comprehensive guide, we'll explore the critical steps in diagnosing and managing meniscus injuries. We cover everything from detailed physical examinations and diagnostic imaging to interpreting symptoms accurately. Discover the initial actions to take if you suspect a meniscus tear and understand why these steps are vital for your recovery. Whether you're a healthcare professional looking to deepen your expertise or someone experiencing knee pain, join us to learn about the importance of a meticulous approach in addressing meniscus injuries.

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Physical Examination for Meniscus Injuries

Knee Examination

Conducting a comprehensive physical examination is essential in cases of suspected meniscus injuries. This examination should encompass a detailed history, orthopedic tests, and a neurological assessment. Diagnostic imaging may also play a crucial role in determining the extent of the meniscus injury.

Orthopedic, Neurological and Vascular Testing

The following demonstration videos present common orthopedic, neurological, and peripheral vascular examination tests used in cases of suspected meniscus injuries.

Knee Examination Video
Click Image to Watch Video

Effective Orthopaedic Testing

This video demonstrates some common orthopedic tests we use to examine our patient's knees.

Lower Limb Neurological Examination Video
Click Image to Watch Video

Lower Limb Neuro Examination

The lower limb neurological examination is part of the overall neurological examination process and is used to assess the motor and sensory neurons which supply the lower limbs. This assessment helps to detect any impairment of the nervous system. It is used both as a screening and an investigative tool.

Peripheral Vascular Examination Video
Click Image to Watch Video

Peripheral Vascular Examination - Key Points

A peripheral vascular examination is valuable for ruling out signs of vascular-related pathology. The detection and subsequent treatment of PVD can potentially mitigate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications. In this video, we review some common procedures we perform in daily clinical practice.



X-ray Image


Although X-rays are not highly effective in diagnosing meniscus injuries, they should still be taken, as they provide valuable information that can help rule out degenerative joint changes, fractures, or pathological processes. Recommended views include an anteroposterior weight-bearing view, posteroanterior 45º flexed view, lateral view, and Merchant Patellar view.

MRI Machine

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI provides some of the most accurate imaging for meniscus injuries, with an 88% accuracy rate for medial and 92% for lateral meniscal tears. These accuracy levels are comparable to those obtained through a comprehensive physical examination. Research indicates that a thorough physical exam is an equally valuable diagnostic tool and should be used with imaging results.

However, this doesn't mean that MRI should be disregarded. Instead, it suggests that MRI should not be the first line of investigation due to its high costs and that a comprehensive physical examination can yield equivalent diagnostic information.


Types of Meniscus Tears

Meniscal tears can be classified into three basic shapes: longitudinal, horizontal, and radial. Complex tears are a combination of these three fundamental shapes. Each tear shape has specific displaced forms:

  1. Longitudinal tear: When displaced, it is known as a "bucket handle tear." This type of tear is one of the most common causes of a locked knee.

  2. Horizontal tear: A displaced horizontal tear is called a "flap tear."

  3. Radial tear: When a radial tear is displaced, it is called a "parrot beak tear" (4).

These classifications help medical professionals better understand the nature of the injury and determine the most appropriate treatment approach. The tear's shape and displacement can impact the healing process and the choice of surgical or non-surgical interventions.

Types of Meniscus Tears


If You Suspect a Meniscus Injury

First and foremost, seek immediate medical attention if you experience any signs of a meniscus tear. It is crucial to determine the severity of the injury.

The extent of your injury will dictate the appropriate strategy for addressing your meniscus tear. Additionally, it is vital to cease all activities that could potentially worsen the knee damage until a medical practitioner has completed their assessment.

Man Walking With Crutches and Knee Brace

Upon Initial Meniscus Injury:

Regardless of the injury's severity, it's crucial to follow the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) procedure at the onset of a meniscus tear, and here's why:

  • Rest - Limit stress on the knee to prevent further damage. Use crutches and a neoprene brace to keep the knee locked in extension if needed. Resting allows the injured area to begin the healing process.

  • Ice – Applying ice to the knee for 20-30 minutes every 2-3 hours helps reduce swelling and inflammation. Cold therapy constricts blood vessels, minimizing pain and discomfort.

  • Compression - An elastic tensor bandage on your knee helps reduce swelling by limiting fluid accumulation in the injured area. It can be used in conjunction with ice for added benefits.

  • Elevation—Elevating your knee helps decrease swelling by promoting blood flow back to the heart. Place your knee on a blanket or pillow to keep it elevated and supported.

Man Laying on the Ground

Clarifying the Meaning of Rest

Depending on the severity of the injury, complete recovery may necessitate resting your knee for several weeks. Initially, you should avoid activities that involve knee flexion. Flexing the knee generates tension in the popliteus and semimembranosus muscles, which are connected to the meniscus, increasing stress in the area.

Clinical Tip: By keeping the injured knee locked and fully extended, you can reduce about 50% of the compressive load on the knee.

Resting the injured leg does NOT mean abstaining from all physical activities. Here's why:

  • Exercising the lower extremity of the non-injured leg helps maintain overall muscle mass in the injured leg, preventing muscle atrophy in that limb.

  • Working out the opposite leg leads to neurological crossover, which aids in maintaining muscle strength on the injured side without causing further damage.

  • Using electrical stimulation, like inferential current, can also help prevent muscle atrophy in the injured leg without adding stress to the meniscus.


Conclusion Part 2

In conclusion, managing a suspected meniscus injury effectively requires a comprehensive approach, blending physical examinations, diagnostic imaging, and symptom interpretation. This guide has emphasized the importance of thorough assessments and initial actions to ensure proper care and recovery. By understanding the types of meniscus tears and the steps to take when an injury occurs, healthcare professionals and individuals can make informed decisions to facilitate healing.

Combining clinical expertise with practical steps like the RICE protocol can significantly impact recovery outcomes, ultimately promoting long-term knee health and functionality.

Note: References for "Knee Pain - Meniscus Injuries are at the end of Part 3.



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Photo of Dr. Brian Abelson

With over 30 years of clinical practice and experience in treating over 25,000 patients with a success rate of over 90%, Dr. Abelson created the powerful and effective Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems.

As an internationally best-selling author, he aims to educate and share techniques to benefit the broader healthcare community.

A perpetual student himself, Dr. Abelson continually integrates leading-edge techniques into the MSR programs, with a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary care. His work constantly emphasizes patient-centred care and advancing treatment methods. His practice, Kinetic Health, is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


MSR Instructor Mike Burton Smiling

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